Wyandotte mix, not sure gender


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 4, 2012
These two are questionable to me on the sex, usually the lady I get chickens from is spot on but I'm worried about these two. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance!!!

That's what I was thinking, but wanted another opinion, well, crap, gonna have to exchange one and give the other away to my roommate's mom and buy another. Hopefully, I will get two pullets this time! LOL. Not sure which breeds I want to get to replace. Too many to choose from.... Guess I'll decide when I get there and my roommate will probably pick, but he has a bad habit of picking cockerels!!
One of my chicken friends is saying they are pullets now, anyone else?
Also, the black and white one with less speckles is supposed to be a mix of Wyandotte and RIR, which if I'm not mistaken aren't the pullets supposed to be red? No idea what the other is a mix of, I know one is Wyandotte and it's either mixed with an easter egger or a maran of some type.
Anyone else got any idea on these two? I sure would appreciate it. Just trying to find out for certain before we go back over there Wednesday and I will exchange them for pullets. Really hoping the more speckled one is a pullet, my roommate loves it.
That comb in the 'more white bird' (second pic I think) is pretty advanced. We have had a couple of 'dotte's and even close to 25 weeks didn't have as big a comb. I have never had a cockerel rose combed bird so hard to compare boy to boy.

The more speckled bird with the single comb look more like a pullet to me.

Bit hard to gauge leg thickness in those pics, but from what I can see of the feathers I am thinking one boy one girl.

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