WOW. Surprise Buff Orpington/Easter Egger cross chicks!! **PICS** :D


9 Years
Jul 23, 2010
Or as I call them, buff beardies.

Fluff, a 1-year-old buff orpington has been trying to hatch chicks all year....
well, third time's the charm! I thought they would be rotten as usual, as wasn't expecting this! This time, she hatched ALL her eggs except one! Seven amazing looking little chicks. She leaf a clutch of 'adopted' chicks after a couple of weeks or so, and she sort of has her blond offense to all you blonds out there!
I think sitting on her second failed clutch in the greenhouse fried her brains a little.
Looks like her persistence has paid off though! Can't wait to see what they look like fully feathered!
They already have some buff wing feathers, so I know they will all be at least partly, if not mostly buff.

All of them are yellow or yellow/tan-ish, and all but two have 'beards' and 'sideburns' (or muffs...whatever you want to call them. I'm not picky with names like that and call my EEs Auracanas. Oooh, what a sin!
). Anyways, they look so cool I thought I'd share some pictures with the public!


They're in a cage for now but will be free soon....


Only one that's TOTALLY yellow/tan with no brown stripes on it's back.



With sideburns/beard.


And without.


Feedin em.
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Congrats on the new babies! They all look like they will be a buff color, some might have some black in their neck and wings like daddy. I have 5 BA X Red Cochin chicks, wondering what they will look like when they are grown.

Yep, I was thinkin most of them will have a bit of brown, black, and/or gold on them, like Root (he's more colored on his back). I hope the totally yellow one turns out at least mostly buff though. It shall be fun to see what they turn out like.....mine and yours.
I have pictures for you! My mamas were buff orps. Daddy was an almost completely white EE.


Here they are as they were feathering out at roughly 4 weeks old.


Sad enough I didn't get to see these grow much beyond this because they were rehomed. However, Tala here has grown out one or two of them and may have pictures of them as adults.
*blows dust off of old sleeping thread* *cough* *cough* *ack!*

Digging this up yet again because I've got a couple of Orpington pullets, a Buff and a dark dark Blue and am considering keeping my best EE rooster and possibly trying for some chicks in the spring. Just for myself and just because it will be such fluffy pooftie overload. My little Buff currently resembles a well feathered cantaloupe and I thought she'd make gorgeous fluffy babies with our solid silver EE rooster.

So... are there any pics of these babies all grown up floating around anywhere that someone could share possibly? *ducks rocks and stones and dirt being thrown for grave digging an old thread*
I have easter egger buff also and I know two of my babies have grey looking feet.what color did yours turn out to be?

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