Would love some experienced insight please.


Jun 30, 2018
Hello everyone I'm new to this site, and have been very impressed with all of the help from members. This is my second hatch in a styrofoam diy bator. My first hatch was miserable, however I don't give up. So that brings me to today. Today is day 21. Everything's has been stable minus a couple very sort influx of temp. Anyway I have americaunas and black copper Marans do. So on day 19 I had one chick internally pip. Then on 20it died with only a big external pip. I thought I should have intervened and didn't. Then two more pips.one need a bit of help after zipping half way, it's feathers were stuck and it could not finish. It did help but this Marian is little feet. Looks like a runt. Then two more on day 20 normal. No more marans. I'm still hoping but it's day 21 with nothing happening. I listened to one to see and heard peeping earlier today. Then a couple hours ago again and heard scratching. Obviously I'm wanting to intervene. Kind of indecisive. Maybe someone can help inform me a little. I've read tons and finally decided to join. 6 eggs left none hatched on 21. 5 early. Sorry for the ramble
That’s almost like a humidity issue, was the humidity too low? that it’s getting shrink wrapped? With early hatch, your temp might be on a tad warmer affecting hatch.
Thanks for you reply. This is my situation. I know I was wrong in trying to assist. I did after my last hatch, three of my babes were fully grown and dead. So I will try and shorten this up. I haven't stopped reading so so many different opinions. I candled egg today the 21st day and thought I heard chirps. So I jumped to conclusions and after much delay I opened the top of egg to find what I though was a shrink wrapped chick, because I know I herd it chirping when I held it to my ear. I messed up I think. It started to bleed so I put it back in the incubator. I think my others hatched early because they were from local friend who pulled them out from under momma after a couple days.
I read on here that a chic has to have an internal pip to make chirping noises. That's why I went in but now I'm second guessing because the membrane wouldn't bleed. And it looks like there a rhythm going like breathing or heart beet. I wish I would have left it alone. I'm learning. Maybe you there's hope, I know it's holding onto life.

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