Would a fish tank work as a brooder?

Same experience.

As for it getting too hot, keep a thermometer and change the wattage or raise and lower the light to get the right amount of heat. No need to be too precise with the degrees. The chicks are more hardy than people think. They will move under or away from the light as they need.

By 4 weeks, they will want to hop out of the brooder and explore.
I tried a fish tank and it did not do so good for my birds. It messed them up somehow. I like to use wire cages i used one for the first batch and they werre attachjed to me, the second batch i had to use the fish tank and those birds freak out eveytime they saw me, which was a lot. I finally moved them, it helped a bit but they are the most parnoid birds i have and seem to liek to stay away form me where the others coem running.
never again will i use a fish tank
What kind of wire cage? Dog kennel covered in metal fabric?

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