Worming baby chicks 1 month old and the others are 2 weeks old, almost 3 weeks

There are a few different dewormers available. There is some more info on the different worms, how to treat them etc here:

http://healthybirds.umd.edu/Disease/Deworming Birds.pdf

Are you looking into deworming as a precaution or do you suspect the chicks may have an infestation? Deworming your chickens as a precaution once a year is a good idea, if they are kept outside on the ground. And of course, if you see evidence of worms in their droppings, in which case you should treat them asap. But unless the chicks have been outside or got exposed to soil which may have worm eggs in them they're very unlikely to have worms. You should also wait until your chicks are at least a month old before deworming them and even then I wouldn't unless I suspect they have a problem or have seen evidence of worms.
I use pumpkin or squash seeds as the coating on them is supposed to contain something that paralyses the worms and they can be defacated. I've never seen any worms but do this once every few months.
A chick is born with a sterile GI tract. For them to develop a worm load, they must ingest larvae. If you practice good management and provide a clean brooder where all feces has been removed from prior chicks, if you don't give them dirt to play in that has poop from an infested older chicken, if you give them enough space so they are not pecking at the old poop and ingesting shed larvae... worms should never be a problem.

Worms in chickens are not as problematic as they are in other livestock.
There are a few different dewormers available. There is some more info on the different worms, how to treat them etc here:

http://healthybirds.umd.edu/Disease/Deworming Birds.pdf

Are you looking into deworming as a precaution or do you suspect the chicks may have an infestation? Deworming your chickens as a precaution once a year is a good idea, if they are kept outside on the ground. And of course, if you see evidence of worms in their droppings, in which case you should treat them asap. But unless the chicks have been outside or got exposed to soil which may have worm eggs in them they're very unlikely to have worms. You should also wait until your chicks are at least a month old before deworming them and even then I wouldn't unless I suspect they have a problem or have seen evidence of worms.
No I haven't seen worms but they are on the ground in my chicken pen now. It's 80 plus degrees here now. I don't have any other chickens, this is my first time to have them. I had ducks many years ago and I am using that pen for the chickens now. I never saw worms in my ducks poop either. But like I said that was probably a good 6 or more years ago. I was just going to do it as a precaution.

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