Worm questions


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 22, 2010
It is my youngest chick of 14 weeks or so that is the one with the worms, was checking all the poops as they did them...they were moving around quite small about 5mm maybe in size. The others seem fine but the vet will have some stuff for me tomorrow.....
What type of worms are these? Also my dog has an annoying habit of eating chicken poop, will they affect her? She has been dewormed last week.
Any help would be great as I've never had or seen any worm issues in the 5 years of having chickens. What's the best way to prevent them coming back? I'm in the UK. Thanks


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I wonder if those are tapeworm "bits.". They look a bit like grains of rice. Most worms are not visible to the naked eye in the poop -- the only other one I've seen in a pic of poop is roundworms, which ussally happens only in a heavy infestation, and those are not roundworms (which are thin and rather long.)

Sorry, I know nothing about how tapeworms are treated outside the US. Here is a thread that talks about US treatment, in cane it helps:

Do tapeworm bits move? These are definitely wriggling! They look like human thread worms but a bit more yellow in colour. Apparently Flubenvet is the registered wormer for everything in the UK and does caecal worms through to gapeworms etc so should kill whatever it is. It is the little chick who has them and apparently was wormed and vaccinated before coming here, but seems unlikely if she has these..... Hopefully all will be sorted soon. Thanks for the info
Yes tapeworm bits will move. They come from fleas so if you have tapeworms you have a flea problem. Your dog doesn't need to eat poops if you can try to help it. I fight my dog on horse poop all the time! Yuck.
I don't have fleas, nor does the dog or chickens here....yes the dog is on a diet and so will eat anything she can, as my chickens free roam and frequently sit outside the back door it can be hard to beat the dog if there's multiple poops waiting!
I have to be honest they looked like small thread worms, but I don't know, I'm only basing that on what human thread worms look like and seemed too small for tape worm bits which I expected to be bigger and and more stumpy rather than worm like
Tape worms literally looks like grains of rice. If it doesn't look like that it may be something else. It only takes one flea ingested to cause it. I guess "flea problem" was too intense lol.
Haha! Yeah they look like worm worms in shape more than rice, a lot thinner than grains of rice. They look identical to thread worms. Ah only one flea, well then yeah that's always possible!

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