WordPress - how the heck do ya figure it out?


Nothing In Moderation
12 Years
May 14, 2009
(SW MO) Nevada, Missouri
My Coop
My Coop
Do ya have to be a computer geek to figure out how to use WordPress? I bought a domain, and after researching I chose a hosting company. Now, I have WordPress to work with. I am just self taught on the computer, and I can not figure that stuff out! Do I have to pay to make a website? Can I do this? I feel like an idiot trying to figure this out. sheeesh...... All I want is a blog, and maybe a few other pages, as I go along. I guess I should have thought this through a bit more. Like those drop and drag sites you can make, I thought this would be easy.
Heya, I'm no stranger to computers, but customizing some things on Wordpress took some doing. While you don't have to do coding (though you can), I do find the general layout to be much less user friendly than some other free blog sites. Weebly seems to be easier to work with, though I'm just going off of what others have said. If you need help with specifics, just list them and I or someone else can help you out. :)
It's a steep learning curve but Wordpress is great. Once you get the hang of it you will be very pleased with the results.

Make full use of all the online guides and tips but also join the Wordpress forum.

Good luck and enjoy.

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