Winterizing Duck Housing


In the Brooder
Jul 13, 2021

With Winter coming soon, I was wondering how much I needed to insulate my ducks from the cold. I am in Ohio, and we typically get into the 20s and 10s often enough.
I have 2 Pekin ducks, about 6 months old, 2 Silver Appleyard and 2 Blue Swedish about 1.5 months old. They live in a garage like enclosure with a high ceiling , with a regular sized human door to an outdoor area open during the day.
My question is should I make a smaller enclosure within their building where they can retain more heat, so it would not be lost to the open air? I am also concerned about leaving the door open during the cold days for the wind to get in. I have a heat lamp and a stand up flat "coop heater" that I plan on using to help if needed. I do plan on moving their food and water into the building during the winter so that they do not have to go out to get any, and the water should not freeze as much. Thanks in advance for the help!
As long as you give them a way to get out of the frigid air they should be fine. Ventilation inside of their enclosure should be over their heads not where wind can blow over them, but ventilation is very important. I'm in the mountains of Westen NC and it gets down below 0 even at times. Mainly teens up though, my coop[pop] doors are always open but most of the time my flock prefers to be outside. They will hunker down behind wind breaks to keep the wind off. I use heated buckets[TSC] so I don't have to keep water or feed inside [very messy] I don't use heat. Even the windows in my coops stay open about a 4th of the way from the top so there is good airflow south and east side. Poultry create a lot of moisture so ventilation is very important.
Sounds like you have a great set up for them.
We have similar temperatures. My ducks free range with a pond that stays open due to a windmill. They do not usually choose to come in. They are comfortable outside. I've heard the heat can be counterproductive as their feathers could come in thinner.
Same zone as Ohio here. My ducks have a shelter which is just draft free. Other than that it's well ventilated. My ducks do hang out in it during the frigid weather, but normally will be out in the run or the yard depending on how much snow we have and the real feel temps. Sometimes that wind can drop it to extreme negatives. I also place straw bales around the run to provide areas where they can hunker down out of the wind if needed.
I advise not to use supplemental heat - they will acclimate to the temps. As well heat lamps have been known to be knocked down and start fires when used in a coop.
My feed and water is not in the duck house. The only time I put it in there was a a few years ago when the temps dropped to like -80 with the windchill. Otherwise, it's in the run area and I use the drop in water heaters (made for livestock) and rubber tubs.
I usually use pine shavings throughout the year, but in the winter, I add a good thick layer of straw for them to bed down on. My ducks are locked up every night in their duck house and they seem comfortable enough.

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