Will my Khaki Campbells Fly away?


8 Years
Jul 12, 2011
Watkins Glen
They don't seem like they can fly, only skim across my yard when going from a waddle to run. But should I clip their wings? Or has flyign been bred out of them? They came from TSC.
Well first of all if they came from tsc they probably aren't pure. Also I wouldn't clip there wings until you see full on flight. Or if it worries you, you could clip them now.
They might not be show quality, but being from a hatchery doesn't mean they aren't pure.
Khaki's shouldn't be able to fly, but since they are a lighter breed keep an eye on them until you are sure. Mine can't fly. I saw her try once, she got about half an inch off the ground before she landed flat on her face. She's given up since then.
If you asked... will they fly? I would say most probably yes. Will they fly AWAY? Probably not. I have nine Khaki Campbells and prior to getting them I did alot of reading. My experience with them corresponds with what I read. Yes they do fly. In fact I have seen one of mine reach a height of about 40 feet off the ground and fly in the air for a couple hundred yards before she landed in my neighbors backyard. She immediately came running home because she didnt want to be away from the flock. In the pen where I have my ducks, its about 40X 20 and the fences are 5-6 feet high all around. My ducks are 18 weeks old and just for the past month they have been flying out occasionally. About 2 days out of the week Ill come home to find a duck outside the pen... but they always are RIGHT outside... they ran back to be with the others. If you dont want that, I'd clip their wings... but I dont, because they always come back and so far Ive lost none.
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I had a Khaki drake fly over a 3' fence once to get to the girls. That's about the most flying my Khaki's have ever done - a few feet off the ground and a few feet forward. They won't want to leave their buddies anyways. They certainly won't be flying south for the winter.
Thank you Jaycee! SO far I have seen them glide across the grass at about half a foot. And they don't make any attempt otherwise to get out of the pen. I think they will stick around. They grew up with the Chickens so Puck is their "Leader" and they stay with him.
My Khaki's new favorite game is fly out of the duck house every night when I put them in. I have to pick them up and place them in the roof door that lifts up. (Duck house designer did a wonderful job, but did not allow duck care person input on what would make life easier in caring for ducks). I need to move fast, because unless they have company, they decide they don't want to be in the house. Mocha "escapes' at least once a night. It was funny at first. After a week of this, it's getting kind of old, but I should get a pic.

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