Will my chickens eat the fly predators I use for fly control ?


"Draft Apple Ridge" a Bit from Heaven
12 Years
Jan 10, 2010
UP North WI
I plan on using fly predators to control the fly population by my horses. Last year I fed the feed thru but that would be to expensive since I added to my heard (6 horses & 3 donkeys)
I had planned last year that this year I would use the fly predators not thinking that the chickens would eat the fly predators. I've been letting the chickens free range. I wouldn't be putting the predators in or near the coop (although wish I could) so only the predators that would mingle over to the coop would be eaten???

Anyone use them that have chickens??

Yes That being said I'ved used them for years. I actually hang the fly release bucket on the wire of the chicken pen.The chickens can't reach it and the horse pile is close enough that the flys themselves can reach that. Sure I lose some to chickens but since they free range they aren't very interested in Mt. Manure ??
The fly predators are so small I can't imagine that the chickens would even notice them let alone eat them.
I've never used them so I don't know how how small they are.
I'm really glad to here others are using them.
Where do you get them from that has a release bucket??? I've only heard of them coming in a pouch that you bury or something.

Plus this will be our first summer with chickens so I'm sure the flys will be attractedt o the chicken doo doo so will the fly predators work on that at well then? Assuming the chickens won't eat them!! LOL

Thanks for the info
We just used and old plastic bucket that once housed horse vit., Small as in childs sand bucket,just dump the flys in as the hatch.... off they go! They are very tiny but as they breed and paupae(sp) develope in a tiny cocoon like case the chickens LOVE those so those that don't hatch become a treat!! It takes time to build up an army of tiny fly warriors so give them a liitle. A wildfire blew thru two yrs ago within ten ft of my barn and caught the manure pile on fire. We really noticed they abscences!
I got mine from Arabico they have the best hatching percentage.
They are so tiny and so specialized that you don't see them once they hatch. They only last one season then are gone with the first frost.

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