Will maggost die if they are left in a chickens butt?


Jul 24, 2015
Western Mass
My rooster has poop stuck in its vent area, and today I dipped him in warm water, got the poop out of his butt, and took out about 15 maggots. I noticed that there were flies flying around him yesterday, so I don't think that they have been there too long. But my main question is that I think that I left a couple maggots in his vent area. some of the maggots were so small! like 1 cm long! Do I need to remove those also? AND how much of the feathers should I trim around his vent, would it be bad if they all were trimmed? Thanks.

  • Will the maggots die if I leave them alone in the roosters butt, if he is in the house where no flies can get him.
  • Do I need to remove every maggot, because some crawl away from his but area into his feathers and are hard to get.
  • Will probiotics, electrolytes, and antibiotics help?
You should use an enema to flush out the vent. Any sores outside the vent need to be watched until they heal to avoid this from happening again. You can trim some feathers around the vent if needed to prevent droppings from accumulating. Give a light spritz of permethrin or Ravap around the vent feathers to repel flies while it heals. Check the vent daily.
Maggots are fly larva. Flies lay eggs, they hatch into maggots, they them become more flies. They flies feed primarily on decaying matter, like poop and infected decaying flesh.

The lifecycle needs to be stopped by removing the maggots, protecting from more infestation, and healing the area.
If I have the rooster inside, so no more flies can get to him, will that be enough to stop the cycle? Can you pleases tell me a recipe of how to make a solution to kill the maggots.

P.S. what is enema. Is it expensive?
If I have the rooster inside, so no more flies can get to him, will that be enough to stop the cycle? Can you pleases tell me a recipe of how to make a solution to kill the maggots.

P.S. what is enema. Is it expensive?
you basically put water in the vent and let him do the rest
If I have the rooster inside, so no more flies can get to him, will that be enough to stop the cycle? Can you pleases tell me a recipe of how to make a solution to kill the maggots.

P.S. what is enema. Is it expensive?
Enema kits can be found at any drug store and only a few bucks.
This is the best product for your situation:
Durvet and Prozap are two brands of this product, and can be found on the shelves most feed stores.
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