
5 Years
Nov 3, 2018
Hi! Im looking into getting some wild duck species in the future, white faced whistling specifically but other species as well, and I was wondering about the construction of a pen for them. For one, how big it should be, two, what materials to use and how to properly protect it from predators and three, the most important one. What plants do I use? Most of the duck species enjoy grazing, especially the tree ducks I believe, but it also just looks better.

I live in zone 9b, CA. Which would mean the lowest temperatures here is 25-30f (even though its usually much warmer), and its usually in the 90's in the summer. What grass and plants would you recommend that are bird safe for this climate? I can add and take away shade/sun, so thats not a problem. I already have some grass in the pasture, but its not great, so I was thinking I could overseed it or just remove it. If the birds are not going to be in the area for a while, is it ok to use regular fertilizer and topsoil for the grass? Or is that not even necessary? I wont fertilize after it is all established and the ducks are in there since their feces should be enough fertilizer.. I can also take some of my existing duck excrement around the pasture and put it on top of the grass if that helps any

And, on another note, would ducks climb into a pool? With a ramp?
Thanks in advance!
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And, on another note, would ducks climb into a pool? With a ramp?
I seen many pix with ramps, and other ways for ducks to get into elevated pools. Here is one great looking idea.


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