Wild Chicken eggs!


11 Years
Nov 22, 2012
I have a stray chicken that roams my property (I think she's jealous of my two plymouth's in the coop), but I just found where she is laying... Is there any danger in eating her eggs? I mean, a chicken is a chicken right? I just don't want to get sick, so what precautions should I take if any?

You can check the freshness of the eggs by dropping them in a bowl of water. Fresh eggs will lay flat on the bottom, stale eggs will stand up and rotten or really old eggs will float.
That is very comforting and informative! Sounds like the biggest problem I have now is--Scrambled or Fried! lol
You might want to put some dummy eggs where she is laying so she will keep laying there and won't move her nest. By the way, my aunt used to break ALL eggs into a cup or small bowl before adding the egg to the pan or whatever she was cooking. That way if there was a problem with the egg, she could just throw it out and not ruin anything. She did this whether the eggs were from her own chickens or were store bought.
Aloha, I have feral chicken too.
I used to find egg remnants (we also have a mongoose.) the hens started to lay in the carport and if the truck window was open, watch where you sit.
I had an old milk crate on the front step for slippa, now the hens take turns in the crate? we have 8 eggs at the moment from 3 hens? they share who knew!
I numbered the eggs with a marker and pull out the new. They are smaller than Costco but I know when they were laid :)
Aloha, I have feral chicken too.
I used to find egg remnants (we also have a mongoose.) the hens started to lay in the carport and if the truck window was open, watch where you sit.
I had an old milk crate on the front step for slippa, now the hens take turns in the crate? we have 8 eggs at the moment from 3 hens? they share who knew!
I numbered the eggs with a marker and pull out the new. They are smaller than Costco but I know when they were laid :)
I have a feral hen & a rooster & i really DON'T want any chicks at all!!! but how do i know where she is laying in case she mates with the rooster!!!! i will NOT tolerate a chicken colony at my house!!!! PLEASE HELP!!! Any info would be greatly appreciated!!!
Lila Ann
Oh i forgot to mention that Henry the roo & Hennrietta the hen r free rangers during the day & cooped up at night!
Lila Ann
So, you want to find where the hen is laying? Keep a close eye on her, and she'll lead you to her stash. A few days ago, I found a hen sitting in a flower bed. So I kept the hen's in their pen for a couple days, to get her laying back in her box.

Maybe she won't sit on her eggs, even if they are fertile. Many chickens won't.
Aloha, I have feral chicken too.
I used to find egg remnants (we also have a mongoose.) the hens started to lay in the carport and if the truck window was open, watch where you sit.
I had an old milk crate on the front step for slippa, now the hens take turns in the crate? we have 8 eggs at the moment from 3 hens? they share who knew!
I numbered the eggs with a marker and pull out the new. They are smaller than Costco but I know when they were laid :)
I'm in Kauai & we have many wild chickens. A friend had them laying in her open animal barn so she put up nest boxes about 8 feet high & they started laying in them. We started a "chicken yard" area with a compost pile & put some horse manure, ongoing veggie scraps, yard plant trimmings & leaves there so they love to scratch in it. Now we put nest boxes several feet high with dry leaves inside & have a chicken chow feeder there too temporarily, but will let them eat bugs when they get established. What more could a wild chicken want, ha ha? Do you know of anything to entice the hens to discover the nest boxes, check them out, & lay in them?

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