Wilbur's comb has a problem


14 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Mid Hudson River Valley, NY
For the last few weeks my roo Wilbur, has had a problem with his comb. It's not due to frostbite since the weather has been quite warm and the coop was never really too cold this year.
I've looked at the comb problems listed and don't see a match. He's got this on both sides, but not symetrical. Help is appreciated.
no, no known injuries. He's 4 yrs old and very healthy otherwise.
Any ideas on what it is and/or what to treat it with. Wilbur is an easy going boy, so treating him isn't problematic. I just don't want to guess if someone really knows,
Just as "something to do while you're waiting to figure out what's wrong" - get some organic virgin coconut oil. It melts at 76 degrees so if it's hard, just rub some in your hands - then massage it into the comb. It's anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti everything bad! And it will not hurt anything! Don't get regular coconut oil - all the good stuff has been processed out!
So, of all the things I have in the kitchen cabinet.... there's some spectrums natural no preservatives coconut oil. It doesn't say organic and it's >5yrs old. Any good to use?
It's worth a try! Does it smell like coconut? The overly processed stuff does NOT, but the truly natural stuff has a light coconut smell. I'd put it on several times a day!
Can you get some better pics? I think he might have favus. I need some better pics to tell for sure.
Doesn't smell like coconut at all. Maybe it's bad. I'll stop at store tomorrow and get some. I don't want to put something rancid on him. Just another reason why I need to clean out my cabinets.

Thanks for the help
Can you get some better pics? I think he might have favus. I need some better pics to tell for sure.
x2. Favus can be treated with miconazole. (If that's what it is) Lotrimin antifungal spray or ointment will take care of it. If you use the spray, spray it on your fingers and quickly rub it onto the comb. It's cold coming out of the can and evaporates quickly. Dont get it in his eyes.

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