Why isn't my hen laying?


Jan 5, 2023
So my California White has been down for the last month. About a month ago we split our flock, breeders and egg layers. We made additions, also, and for a period of time all of our original hens stopped laying. We discovered that the new hens brought along worms, so we treated those. All the others began laying again, and are happier, but Fidget, the hen, wasn't. She continued to be sad, sitting in the coop all day, not foraging, not laying, and her comb shrunk and curled. We thought that she was missing her old comrades, so we reintroduced them, and she perked up, her comb uncurled and she is now active and healthy. She has been with them for a few weeks now, and she is still not laying. Did we do something wrong? Is there something we could do?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!!

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