Why is molasses-free chopped hay so hard to get?!


Art & Animals
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Jul 31, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
I'm so frustrated. My 16-year-old sheep has a hard time chewing due to missing teeth and she gets laminitis if she eats too much feed with molasses in it. I've spent hours looking for molasses-free chopped timothy or timothy blend and they seem to either be out of stock or the prices are outrageous. :barnie

Anyone know where I easily could get molasses-free chopped forage or molasses-free hay stretcher? I may end up cutting up hay with scissors....
There is a place where I live but they don’t ship and only have one shop in the uk. It is very expensive ($15 in American money per bail)
Cheapest I can get here (Vermont, US) is about $40 for 40lbs. The current chopped forage she is on now (has molasses in it) is $20 for 40lbs. :hmm

If I lived just a few hours away in the next state over I could get it cheaply and easily from a co-op...
I found one alfalfa timothy blend cube that says "Long-stemmed fiber source" so it might work. I'll have to soak them for her to be able to eat them, but it might be the best option right now.
I'm so frustrated. My 16-year-old sheep has a hard time chewing due to missing teeth and she gets laminitis if she eats too much feed with molasses in it. I've spent hours looking for molasses-free chopped timothy or timothy blend and they seem to either be out of stock or the prices are outrageous. :barnie

Anyone know where I easily could get molasses-free chopped forage or molasses-free hay stretcher? I may end up cutting up hay with scissors....
TSC sells compressed bales of Timothy and Timothy pellets, and Timothy orchard mix. Yes, pricier than a bale from a farmer, but not $40.
TSC sells compressed bales of Timothy and Timothy pellets, and Timothy orchard mix. Yes, pricier than a bale from a farmer, but not $40.
My sheep can't have regular hay because she can't chew it. And I'd prefer not to get pellets because she needs the longer stems. I think I'm going to try the cubes.

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