Why does my hen talk or cluck not necessarily both when she sees me ?


7 Years
Sep 16, 2012
I thinks its from joy like oh boy the feeding machine is here either that or I am part of the flock because the sound she makes is when other hens are with their chicks also whats is it called when they are not clucking which usually means danger and i see it as their form of talking because my roo talks trash all the time ever since we got hens and my hen is always silent when i get her and like oh please dont hurt me i have some issues to attend I think they dont like it because i move around their feathers and they are probably like i spent so much time fix this you know what stay away better yet im leaving now jumps off my lap on the freezing floor
FREEZING FLOOR always better option than being warm and petted
Some chickens love their owners and will chat away to them happily. 2 Of my hens are like that. When they see me they come up to me and start yakking away. I wish I knew what they're saying!
I was surprised to learn just how vocal - and how many different vocalizations - chickens were. A couple of mine answer me when I "talk chicken" to them. I don't know what they are saying but I sometimes wonder what they think I am saying!!
My one hen, Peeper, is always talkative to me--most of the time it's sass when I'm telling her not to do something. My other chickens talk a lot to me as well.
My silkie rooster gets very vocal when I am around. I hatched them and the sole caregiver as well. In the morning my roos and hens get very excited they get worn and fruit salads for breakfast. My one roo Mcnugget will chat away with me knows his name and comes up to me regardless if I have food or not.


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