Why does my Chicken have a bubble around its nostril.


Apr 24, 2016
hi there,

I literally just let my chickens out and I noticed that my silver Sussex olive had a massive bubble around her nostril. I picked her up to investigate further and it seems that she has snot coming out of her nostril. Could this just be a cold? Also her bubble just disappeared. Thanks for the advice.
A cold is rhino virus. Chickens don't get that virus. But they do get an even nastier chicken respiratory virus. There are several, but unlike our cold virus, once a chicken gets a virus, they then carry it for life.

If your chicken gets to acting very sick, there are antibiotics that can treat the secondary symptoms, although there is no antibiotic that will cure the virus.

Often, the chicken that shows symptoms will get better on her own if her immune system is strong. But once you notice these respiratory symptoms in your flock, you can expect to see them again.
Have you seen any foam or buubles in either eye? Any sneezing? Respiratory diseases such as MG, coryza, ILT, and infectious bronchitis can affect chickens after they have been exposed by a carrier. That might be another chicken, a wild bird, or germs careied on shoes or closes. Tylan 50 injectable from feed stores can be used orally or as an injection to treat MG. Dosage is 0.2 ml given twice a day for 5 days. MG and the other diseases except bronchitis are chronic and may come back again.
Have you seen any foam or buubles in either eye? Any sneezing? Respiratory diseases such as MG, coryza, ILT, and infectious bronchitis can affect chickens after they have been exposed by a carrier. That might be another chicken, a wild bird, or germs careied on shoes or closes. Tylan 50 injectable from feed stores can be used orally or as an injection to treat MG. Dosage is 0.2 ml given twice a day for 5 days. MG and the other diseases except bronchitis are chronic and may come back again.
Yes, she did have foam in her eyes yesterday. thanks for the advice.
Thanks f
A cold is rhino virus. Chickens don't get that virus. But they do get an even nastier chicken respiratory virus. There are several, but unlike our cold virus, once a chicken gets a virus, they then carry it for life.

If your chicken gets to acting very sick, there are antibiotics that can treat the secondary symptoms, although there is no antibiotic that will cure the virus.

Often, the chicken that shows symptoms will get better on her own if her immune system is strong. But once you notice these respiratory symptoms in your flock, you can expect to see them again.
thanks for the advice.
I would probably treat with the Tylan 50 from feed stores unless you see a vet. Hopefully the symptoms will go away. Sometimes they can get secondary bacterial diseases if they seem especially sick, or do not respond to antibiotics.

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