Why does it always seem like...


10 Years
Jan 11, 2010
Why does it always seem like cars only break down at the worst times...or when you are about to go on a long drive... I was up at 5am packing and getting ready to leave the city for the day- 200klms away in the country. 30 Klms from home I smell something weird and have to turn around and come home.

I would rather not risk getting stranded in the middle of no-where but there is no way I will find a Mechanic that can fit me in for what ever repairs need doing today. I have a feeling it is my wheel bearing - but I will stay positive and just enjoy my easter break at home with the ducks instead.

Anyone else had to change their Easter break plans at short notice this year???
Yeah, I was supposed to have Easter dinner with SO's grandma, aunts, uncles, and cousins AND my grandma, aunts, uncles, and cousins, but I'm sick.
Looks like my Easter dinner this year will be chicken broth and jello, at home with my dog
I didnt have any plans this year but have been having car problems (my only vehicle) for weeks now! It decided to "pee" in the parking space I had it in so I drove it carefully to the nearest car shop I knew of ...they took 3 days to even get to it and said it was the oil cooler (which only cadilac and saturns have) and I would need $825 to get it replaced....
So I got triple A to tow it home and told that place I was on SS and "maybe" I would get it back to them next month...got a back yard mechanic to look at it and he had the part I needed and "fixed" it for $350. Problem is the first place kept some of the "bits" when they took it apart and now say I have to pay them $120 to get them back. They see women coming I guess
Iowa Roo Mom Sorry you rare not feeling well. And wish you a speedy recovery.

ChooksinChoppers - I used to work for a mechanic back when I bought my first car- so I used to do all the work on that vehicle myself - even rebuilding the motor at one point. These days I wont even service my own car- but I make sure that the "men" know that I do have some knowledge about what is wrong. I hope your car gives you some trouble free motoring for some time to come after this repair job.

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