Why do I beat myself up about butchering a few cockerels.

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Ok so we butchered three 5 month old cockerel this morning. I feel bad. I hatched them and raised them. But with the virus I didn’t want to take them to the animal auction because of the risk although it hasn’t been reported in the area yet.. they were over breeding the hens, and fighting a little..

So please no harshness on this. I understand some are for food. I was raised on a farm and raising cattle for butchering is often what we did. I have a hard time with it when I get attached, this happened one year I refused to eat any beef for a long time. A calf had a hard birth and I took to spoil it. I begged dad not to butcher it.. he said suck it up.. lol. I just feel bad that animal trusted me and I go and kill it. Lol. Mind you that I am a hunter and go kill deer every year.
If it’s mine I have these crazy I feel bad feelings. If it’s not mine it doesn’t bother me..

I guess it’s different for me when raised.. its mixed feelings..

I know I am a weird-o
Why would you shame your feelings? Let them guide you and you can't go wrong. Killing things you care for probably isn't right, it isn't for me.

Back when people were more closely tied to the land and worked more communally (medieval Europe) there were actual people whose job it was to kill and butcher your animals. They came to your farm, killed humanely, took their payment, then moved on. It made sense to them why wouldn't it make sense to us.
Ok so we butchered three 5 month old cockerel this morning. I feel bad. I hatched them and raised them. But with the virus I didn’t want to take them to the animal auction because of the risk although it hasn’t been reported in the area yet.. they were over breeding the hens, and fighting a little..

So please no harshness on this. I understand some are for food. I was raised on a farm and raising cattle for butchering is often what we did. I have a hard time with it when I get attached, this happened one year I refused to eat any beef for a long time. A calf had a hard birth and I took to spoil it. I begged dad not to butcher it.. he said suck it up.. lol. I just feel bad that animal trusted me and I go and kill it. Lol. Mind you that I am a hunter and go kill deer every year.
If it’s mine I have these crazy I feel bad feelings. If it’s not mine it doesn’t bother me..

I guess it’s different for me when raised.. its mixed feelings..

I know I am a weird-o

I do not think it is weird at all, it seems like you are just being a human and seemingly, a kind one. It's nice that you have compassion for your animals...and you shouldn't beat yourself up for that. All lives matter no matter how small or insignificant they seem...and as you said, it was the best thing you could do considering the scenario. From your post it does not seem like you kill for no reason or to be cruel, so hopefully you can find solace in knowing that it was necessary and you did the best you could. I hope you can find some peace!
Ok so we butchered three 5 month old cockerel this morning. I feel bad. I hatched them and raised them. But with the virus I didn’t want to take them to the animal auction because of the risk although it hasn’t been reported in the area yet.. they were over breeding the hens, and fighting a little..

So please no harshness on this. I understand some are for food. I was raised on a farm and raising cattle for butchering is often what we did. I have a hard time with it when I get attached, this happened one year I refused to eat any beef for a long time. A calf had a hard birth and I took to spoil it. I begged dad not to butcher it.. he said suck it up.. lol. I just feel bad that animal trusted me and I go and kill it. Lol. Mind you that I am a hunter and go kill deer every year.
If it’s mine I have these crazy I feel bad feelings. If it’s not mine it doesn’t bother me..

I guess it’s different for me when raised.. its mixed feelings..

I know I am a weird-o
The young Cockerels are so beautiful with all of there colors and when you hatch them you wish for it not to be a male. They become brutal with the hens as soon as they get to about that age and each other. They change from nice to really mean a lot of the time. At least I'm sure you did this in a compassionate way and its self sustaining. If you were to sell them at auction they may have the same ending but might not be compassionately done or may be used for fights, not cool, Seems like they are gone,prob is gone.I wish god would make 10 percent Cockerels and 90 percent hens.
I am probably not the best person to comment on this, as I haven't even started my own small flock yet (April 1st). But I do understand this. You love your animals and you gave your heart and the best to care for them in their life. I think your decision to take matters into your own hands is an extension of your love and care for them. You are not only thinking of the other animals in your care and your family's health, but the well being of the cockerels as well. I am a nurse practitioner by profession. I can not tell you the number of times I agonized and lost sleep over decisions I made for my patients. While this is so different, yet so similar....you made the best decision, with the information you had. You have a heart and value life. That is a good thing and nothing to morn over. The cycle of life goes on. You should sleep well in knowing you gave these animals the best quality life you could and you ensured their life ended with dignity and purpose. Thank you for sharing your honest and sorrowful heart.
Ok so we butchered three 5 month old cockerel this morning. I feel bad. I hatched them and raised them. But with the virus I didn’t want to take them to the animal auction because of the risk although it hasn’t been reported in the area yet.. they were over breeding the hens, and fighting a little..

So please no harshness on this. I understand some are for food. I was raised on a farm and raising cattle for butchering is often what we did. I have a hard time with it when I get attached, this happened one year I refused to eat any beef for a long time. A calf had a hard birth and I took to spoil it. I begged dad not to butcher it.. he said suck it up.. lol. I just feel bad that animal trusted me and I go and kill it. Lol. Mind you that I am a hunter and go kill deer every year.
If it’s mine I have these crazy I feel bad feelings. If it’s not mine it doesn’t bother me..

I guess it’s different for me when raised.. its mixed feelings..

I know I am a weird-o

Feeling bad about butchering a chicken or any other animal is human. I have been butchering chickens since 2013. I still feel bad about it and even cry when I butcher cockerels I have hand raised. It's OK to feel bad. If you didn't I would worry about you not being human.

Just think of the healthy meat you are feeding to your family. Home grown meat is so much better because there are no chemicals or hormones added to what you feed.
I was raised on a cattle farm. My grandpa taught me to look at the cattle as livestock not pets. I know some people here look at their chickens as family and there is nothing wrong with that. But in addition to teaching me cattle were livestock he also taught me to take care of the cattle to the best of my ability. So I have always looked at cattle this way, and that mindset caries over to how I look at chickens.
Ok so we butchered three 5 month old cockerel this morning. I feel bad. I hatched them and raised them. But with the virus I didn’t want to take them to the animal auction because of the risk although it hasn’t been reported in the area yet.. they were over breeding the hens, and fighting a little..

So please no harshness on this. I understand some are for food. I was raised on a farm and raising cattle for butchering is often what we did. I have a hard time with it when I get attached, this happened one year I refused to eat any beef for a long time. A calf had a hard birth and I took to spoil it. I begged dad not to butcher it.. he said suck it up.. lol. I just feel bad that animal trusted me and I go and kill it. Lol. Mind you that I am a hunter and go kill deer every year.
If it’s mine I have these crazy I feel bad feelings. If it’s not mine it doesn’t bother me..

I guess it’s different for me when raised.. its mixed feelings..

I know I am a weird-o
I also get very attached....egg raised chicks do imprint the heart😪
I started picking up road kills ok the high way and cutting skining them up. Taking apart an animal that is already prepares the mind and heart for the real deal. Found predator birds of prey, beaver, raccons, coyotes. Havent done a deer yet becuase its just too big to put in the car myself. Let the kids help or let the record a video to post on tube. Either eay they learn something! Having a heart for animals u raised just means u have an amazing heart😇. Who ever said its good to kill was wrong. Its good to care and be aware of this thankful life.

Sending your roosters a kiss in chicken heaven😍 they are not mad at u! Be kind to your sweet heart.
Ok so we butchered three 5 month old cockerel this morning. I feel bad.

I guess it’s different for me when raised.. its mixed feelings..

I know I am a weird-o
You are not weird. And I understand your feelings. Not sure this will help. But I feel that there was less stress for your guys putting them down at their home than hauling them to the auction stuffed in a cage. Then taken away meeting the same fate. It's one of the reasons I don't want to hatch my own chicks. It's also the reason my breed of choice is Red Stars and Sexlinks.
Ok so we butchered three 5 month old cockerel this morning. I feel bad. I hatched them and raised them. But with the virus I didn’t want to take them to the animal auction because of the risk although it hasn’t been reported in the area yet.. they were over breeding the hens, and fighting a little..

So please no harshness on this. I understand some are for food. I was raised on a farm and raising cattle for butchering is often what we did. I have a hard time with it when I get attached, this happened one year I refused to eat any beef for a long time. A calf had a hard birth and I took to spoil it. I begged dad not to butcher it.. he said suck it up.. lol. I just feel bad that animal trusted me and I go and kill it. Lol. Mind you that I am a hunter and go kill deer every year.
If it’s mine I have these crazy I feel bad feelings. If it’s not mine it doesn’t bother me..

I guess it’s different for me when raised.. its mixed feelings..

I know I am a weird-o

Not a weirdo at all, imho. Perfectly natural and normal. Shows you are a realist... with a heart. I'm the same.
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