Why are her feathers green?


5 Years
Jun 6, 2019
I need advice on my duclair, Rosie. She is one year old and her feathers developed this brownish tinge on the top of her back maybe when she was 5 months old or so - pretty quick after she feathered. They also seemed to always be a little bit wet - not always, but usually. I just thought her feathers were a little bit colored and didn't think too much of it since she's in the water off and on all day. She was just into the vet a few months ago for a lump on her foot and the vet said she was in excellent health. But now some of her feathers are actually turning green and it makes me think maybe the brownish color is also some sort of algae or something - that she isn't getting those feathers oiled? I checked her oil gland and it doesn't look unusual and seems functioning. Is there something I should be doing to help her?
You could treat her for wet feathers and see if that helps. I've never seen this before on duck feathers but since those feathers stay damp that maybe whats causing it. I wonder if water and apple cider vinegar might help if she was risned in it? If it's like algae? Just tossing out thoughts. .

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