Who could be the daddy??


Apr 17, 2023
Greensboro, NC
I have eggs set to hatch on Sunday.

I got rid of one of my roosters about 5 weeks ago and have since had my ladies with a new rooster. Both roosters have actively swooned the ladies, but obviously my newer rooster for the last several weeks (he was raised in the pen so just took over once the first rooster left).

Anyone know what the odds are that the eggs hatching on Sunday were fertilized from the first rooster vs the second? Or is it just a crap shoot? It’s my understanding that hens can hold sperm for quite a while but curious if new overpowers held.
Just a crap shoot leaning somewhat towards the present rooster. The eggs laid closest to start of incubation would more likely be from the remaining rooster.
I don't know any way to calculate the odds. Hens can store viable sperm for a while, some for around a week and a half, some for over three weeks. A very few have been known to go four weeks. It's very much individual to the hen and to the rooster.

I knew a university teacher that taught chicken genetics among other things. He said it was a last in-first out thing. The last rooster to mate would be the father. But he said it like other chicken geneticists didn't totally believe him. If you will be able to tell the difference in the chicks I'd love to hear your results but my guess is that it is probably a crap shoot.
I don't know any way to calculate the odds. Hens can store viable sperm for a while, some for around a week and a half, some for over three weeks. A very few have been known to go four weeks. It's very much individual to the hen and to the rooster.

I knew a university teacher that taught chicken genetics among other things. He said it was a last in-first out thing. The last rooster to mate would be the father. But he said it like other chicken geneticists didn't totally believe him. If you will be able to tell the difference in the chicks I'd love to hear your results but my guess is that it is probably a crap shoot.

Unfortunately, my previous roo was a golden laced polish. Current roo is his offspring who is mixed with a lavender orp hen. So, I'm not exactly sure how well I'll be able to tell which offspring belongs to which roo. Now I really wish I had 2 totally different colored roosters in the mix because it's definitely a fun little experiment. The eggs I'm hatching are from my Salmon Faverolles, Cream Legbar, Black Easter Egger, Cuckoo Maran and maybe a lavender orp (but her eggs and my SF are nearly identical so not sure whose I have in there!).

We'll see what pops out on Sunday! LOL

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