Whiting True Blue Temperament


Apr 8, 2022
North Alabama
Looking at breeding and selling eggs and chicks from WTB. What is the temperament of this breed? I have Prairie Bluebells, which are active and flighty, but generally will let me get a hand on them if I insist (read corner them up against the corner of the coop or sneak up on them while they're eating) and will let me hold them without panicking after I pick them up. They come up to me and stand by my legs waiting for Scratch. I have a few white leghorn chicks growing out right now that seem even more nervous than the PBBs. I also have a number of red sex-links and a buff orpington who are pretty calm about people, and will let me pick them up when they come to investigate food, and are calm when I hold them, although they aren't a fan of it. Where do WTB fall on the spectrum of flightiness and friendliness? Are they nervous, flighty, active, or friendly, calm, docile as a breed?
The almost week old chicks I have seem like they might be on the flighty side of the chicken spectrum. But I don’t have the ideal set up for raising them and haven’t had much time to get friendly with them either.

I look forward to hearing what people say about them as adults.
I'm hoping to get some in June when my local farm store has them on the chick schedule.
You guys have a chick schedule! I'm jealous actually. My local TSC is not worth visiting if you want anything but basic production layers (which are awesome, but they have like 3 varieties, and their storepeople could be lots better), and the Rural King just gave up. They have maybe 2-3 special varieties, whatever the hatchery has on hand, and three bins of pullets "Assorted egg layer pullet", "Assorted Rare Pullet", and CX. If the chicks you're looking for don't have distinguishing characteristics that are unique, it's a grab bag. They're still selling like hotcakes. Also none of the stores near me source from McMurray, so for WTB I had to place an order.
You guys have a chick schedule! I'm jealous actually. My local TSC is not worth visiting if you want anything but basic production layers (which are awesome, but they have like 3 varieties, and their storepeople could be lots better), and the Rural King just gave up. They have maybe 2-3 special varieties, whatever the hatchery has on hand, and three bins of pullets "Assorted egg layer pullet", "Assorted Rare Pullet", and CX. If the chicks you're looking for don't have distinguishing characteristics that are unique, it's a grab bag. They're still selling like hotcakes. Also none of the stores near me source from McMurray, so for WTB I had to place an order.

This is a local store. They don't have many chicks at once, but they do have a good variety over time.

I was going to order the chicks direct from McMurray, but they were sold out in January. :eek:

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