white spots on chicken eggs

I think it's a normal variaton in the shell. The spots will wash off if you scrub them. Some of my hens get that, it doesn't seem to effect their laying or lifespan. I only have 2 hens laying right now, one is a 3 year old mutt who lays spotted eggs.
What is bloom? My Red Sexlink just started laying seven days ago and every egg comes out looking like this.No extra calcium and plenty of water.
Can somebody please explain what the "bloom" is? I Googled this question and it led me here and now I'm left a little more lost with a whole nother' question. Haha
Lol that happens to me a lot :) the bloom is the natural coating on the egg that is put on as the last step in the egg making process. The blooms main purpose is to keep bacteria out of the shell to keep the egg nice and fresh. Commercial egg places usually scrub the bloom off to try to remove any poop or other things on it, but I would not recommend that. If you don't wash the egg, or just lightly run it under warm water, the egg will remain fresher longer. :) hope that helps!
Funny how these ancient threads come back up!
Agrees that all the pics in this thread so far look to be excessive bloom.
Have had a couple birds that had them consistently, others just once in awhile.

'Speckled' eggs can happen for several different reasons...very few of which are a 'problem'.
Can be caused by:
Excess or uneven pigment coating.
Excess or uneven cuticle(bloom).
Excess calcium deposits.
Porous eggs can appear speckled.
Some birds lay them consistently, some only once in awhile.
The pigment or bloom can change appearance when wet, then change back when dry again.

As long as bird is getting a good diet and is healthy in every other way, it is no cause for concern.
Funny how these ancient threads come back up!.
It is far easier for most to repost a reoccurring topic than spend countless hours sorting through years of threads. Most folks like to have the pizza delivered to them than going to pick it up. Sort of a convenience which is a perk to the forum within this site.
And as always your delivery is always speedy & thoroughly explained. Basically hand delivered and always appreciated. Your tailored explanation are a valuable asset for which we are all greatfull.
Or at least I am.
Hats off to you sir.:clap

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