White poop?


10 Years
May 25, 2009
I have 12 chicks at the moment - unfortunately one just died - was fine an hour ago - started peeping loudly so I went to look and by the time I got there it was on it's back choking - liquid was coming from it's mouth. It just hatched wednesday:(
I tried to clear it's airway but no luck...( tilted head down, cleared liquid from mouth etc) my son will be sad ...he doesn't know yet ... But could have been something else physically wrong too - it was the first to pip then took almost two days to hatch And was the last to hatch - had splayed leg which was resolved in one day - and had gotten stuck in the shell and so I helped it out ( legs were out and shell was almost split in half- but was stuck)- the humidity in the incubator had dropped from 65% to 40% while I was at work - it ran out of water but it was having trouble to start with if it took that long IMO. But it seemed ok if a bit worn out from the ordeal.

Anyway - my original question - when I was obsessively watching the rest as usual because I'm a worry wart - I noticed my blue andelusian has had two white poops. Not watery - but more like mucus - and just white. Never noticed poop like that before in my last three batches of chicks - is this normal for a chick about 4-5 days old? A few seem really active - but the rest - I never see the eat or drink much - just mostly sleep. Some were mail order and the rest hatched a day after I got the mail order ones...

Let me know what u think - am I worrying too much as always ?

Oh - they are on medicated chick feed - agway brand.
Brooder - just put in red light ( my first blew out just as I was leaving for work Wednesday so had a regular spot lamp as a temp)
temp about 90 - but they are not huddled or distressed
have plenty of room to escape heat az needed
a mix of STD and bantams (50/50)
Thanks - I've seen that site but didn't have the link - doesn't look like any of them really - but I've been up watching and she's done a few more poops just like the first two. White and wet/mucus - no brown or even green for that matter . to me it looks like lack of feed -
I just remembered that my son gave the mail order ones (which includes her) a handful of dried meal worms on their first day home. He didn't know any better and I figured that they hadn't had enough that it would bother them too much. She's become lethargic and doesn't have any interest in feed or water and have a bad feeling that she may have had more than I thought. I offered some chick sizeed grit/pebbles from my yard as I don't have grit - (my girls get theirs free ranging) - the others went right for it - so I made her eat at least a small amount - ( a few pinches dropped into her mouth ) I figure if it's the meal worms blocking up her system she needs the grit - do you think it'll help her ? Do you think that's what's happened?

I don't want to lose another over his innocent mistake
Ok - another quick update - she seems to be going downhill fast. Her last poop was clear and watery- and her crop feels very full bit soft so I don't think impacted . I'm going to bed - so I'll just hope she's better in the am.
I've worked out that if she passes - I'll just tell him she didn't recover from the stress of shipping. I can't have him feeling guilty over trying to be good to them.

on a positive note - the rest seem pretty lively when they are awake so that is good. I'll post an update when I get up ...
Well I didn't think she'd make it through the night but she did - her crop is emptying but very slowly - and she still dud a white poop - I dipped her beek in water and she did take a couple drinks - I hope that grit can move through her and get things digested if that is the problem , she's sooooo quiet today - still lethargic.

The rest are looking good though so don't think it's anything contagious.
u might want to remove her from the others and give her lots of tlc...i would recommend offering water and her crumbles made mushy with water about every hour...don't force her, just dip her beak and show her where it is...if u have any save-a-chick or gatorade that u can dilute and give to her that would b good...sounds like she needs a little boost...keep us posted!
Well she didn't make it poor little girl.

not sure if she didn't handle shipping well or if it was the meal worms or maybe a combo of both ...
I kept her warm. Offered water, grit, and etc - but she just wouldn't take anything. Her crop never emptied so I have a sad feeling that she had a few too many dried meal worms. But she was pretty stressed from the beginning so who knows. Wish in knew someone close to me in ct who has blue andelusians - I really liked her and wanted one. Can't order just one chick though. I guess I'll try again in a few years when it's time to add to the flock.
I have yet to find a satisfactory answer to a question I have. I have a 5 month old buff brahama rooster that got out of the run some how last weekend in the middle of the night. He must have come down to the house because of the porch light which is right under our bed room window. We heard him squawking and woke up. When I got down there he was across the field and I saw eye shine (probably a cat) near him and he came running as fast as he could to me. I scooped him up and looked him over and didn't see anything but missing feathers. No blood or holes just soaking wet from the rain. I brought him into the coop and put him on the roost and went back to bed. The next morning all the other chickens were out pecking and he was still hunched on the roost in the same spot with his eyes closed. I thought maybe I missed an injury or that he was just really warn out from the nights adventures. When I tried to tempted him with some treats the other roosters attacked him so I put him in my hospital wing to recover from his stress. Then that day he started pooping white running poop. No blood, no worms, no color at all. He won't eat and barely moves. Just sleeps. I put antibiotics in his water in case it was coccidiosis but it doesn't look like he's drinking anything. So my question is, can an attack (stress) cause chickens to become ill? Does it stress them out so much that they're unable to fight off bacteria? Does this sound like anything anyone has heard or seen before? He's a meat bird but I really don't want him to suffer while he's alive. That's the whole point.
Yes birds can be so stressed from being scared that they can pass away because of it. I had almost 80 chickens killed by a neighborhood dog on new years eve several years ago and about a week or so later lost a couple more birds died. Stress does funny things to birds as well as humans. All you can do is keep him as warm and comfortable as you can. Get some sav-a-chick, nutri-drench or similar product and add it to his water this may help him kick start his system again. Best of luck.

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