White lesions in mouth - diagnosis?

Have you by any chance been feeding them some dry (rolled) oatmeal? The finer/smaller particles often stick to the mucous membrane for some time and can be cause of concern for the observant owner.

Until further determination or definite results, I would just add some ACV to their drinking water.
Thanks, Dawg, you are so right! :)
The “worms” pictured are not parasites, I think they are just debris and perhaps plant hairs. I’d be happy to help you out with a fecal exam (free of charge) if you are willing to mail me some poo and you are in the US. Pm me if you would like to pursue this.
To look for canker caused by trichomonas, you would want to swab the lesion with a q- tip and immediately place on a slide in saline solution and look at it under 1000x (oil immersion lens). Trichomonads swim like little fish and have a characteristic undulating membrane.
It's easier to tell what it isnt lol, definitely not canker nor any poultry worm nor egg. I have no photos of what they might be. I suspect they might just be some type of microscopic debris they've eaten.
I'll see if @Sue Gremlin will take a look. She is a Parasitologist and I know she likes a challenge. :)
Thanks! That's good to know. :)
Have you by any chance been feeding them some dry (rolled) oatmeal? The finer/smaller particles often stick to the mucous membrane for some time and can be cause of concern for the observant owner.

Until further determination or definite results, I would just add some ACV to their drinking water.
I haven't fed them any oatmeal, but thanks for pointing that out, I will keep it in mind for the future. I can add some ACV to their water, thanks (that's to deter the spread of any possible canker since that dies in even mildly acidic water, right?)
Thanks, Dawg, you are so right! :)
The “worms” pictured are not parasites, I think they are just debris and perhaps plant hairs. I’d be happy to help you out with a fecal exam (free of charge) if you are willing to mail me some poo and you are in the US. Pm me if you would like to pursue this.
To look for canker caused by trichomonas, you would want to swab the lesion with a q- tip and immediately place on a slide in saline solution and look at it under 1000x (oil immersion lens). Trichomonads swim like little fish and have a characteristic undulating membrane.
I definitely am interested! Will Pm you! I did actually follow the procedure for looking for trichomonas, took a swab and placed on a warm slide with saline solution. My microscope only goes to 400x but I did not see anything moving or looking like it might be it.

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