White duck poop


Jul 21, 2016
Southwest PA
My pekin drake has been pooping liquid white for the past few days. My female Cayuga's poop is normal. No changes to diet. Its been really wet and the temp has been in the upper 30's to low 40s. He's acting completely normal, eating and drinking normal. From what I've read, it might be worms or coccoidosis? For those of you with more experience than me, should I treat for worms and/or cocci? His crop feels normal but its hard to tell because his chest feathers are so thick.

Warning..pictures of poo below....
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Still eating, drinking, and burping and running around for his lady friend. Her poo is still normal too. Thanks for the bump @RachG75.

Still eating, drinking, and burping and running around for his lady friend. Her poo is still normal too. Thanks for the bump @RachG75.
If you have never wormed maybe go that way but I really don't think it's anything to worry about. I see so many different color poops from my ducks maybe I am shell shocked lol but if he is doing all things normal and isn't acting off he is probably okay. You could pick up some safe guard paste. I know with chickens the white is urates.
We're only on day 32 so at least 20 days to go. Since I'm incubating at a slightly lower temp of 96.5-96.8 we're probably looking at a 56-60 day hatch. If they are alive that is. Not being able to candle them is killing me! I have to weigh them tomorrow so I may let them out of the bator for a few minutes longer for a wiggle test. But its very likely that even if they're developing they won't wiggle yet. Thanks for asking!
We're only on day 32 so at least 20 days to go. Since I'm incubating at a slightly lower temp of 96.5-96.8 we're probably looking at a 56-60 day hatch. If they are alive that is. Not being able to candle them is killing me! I have to weigh them tomorrow so I may let them out of the bator for a few minutes longer for a wiggle test. But its very likely that even if they're developing they won't wiggle yet. Thanks for asking!
How exciting . What will you do with them, will they be pets?
It depends on what genders I get. I'm going to have the eggshells sent out for testing for gender and to see if they are related. If I get two males we will likely raise them and once they hit 18 months we will cull and eat them. A boy and a girl that are not related will be used for breeding. It is most likely that if I get a boy and girl that they will be related so well eat the eggs. In that case I'm probably going to find another source of emu eggs and hatch more for breeding. Same with two females. I'm probably going to fall in love with them so who knows if I'll be able to slaughter any of them. I'll just build more fences and spend more money like I have with the chickens and ducks. My poor husband just dutifully says OK and gets too work on my projects. I would ideally like to start a small farm. We are in the process of selling our rental property so I can buy more land. I know there's no money in it but I'm not doing it for the money. I've been reading about animal husbandry and pastoral farmingfarming. Its important to me to eat ethically raised meat so I thought maybe I could just raise my own and I'll know its been treated humanely. Maybe I can help to bring some of that to the community as well!
It depends on what genders I get. I'm going to have the eggshells sent out for testing for gender and to see if they are related. If I get two males we will likely raise them and once they hit 18 months we will cull and eat them. A boy and a girl that are not related will be used for breeding. It is most likely that if I get a boy and girl that they will be related so well eat the eggs. In that case I'm probably going to find another source of emu eggs and hatch more for breeding. Same with two females. I'm probably going to fall in love with them so who knows if I'll be able to slaughter any of them. I'll just build more fences and spend more money like I have with the chickens and ducks. My poor husband just dutifully says OK and gets too work on my projects. I would ideally like to start a small farm. We are in the process of selling our rental property so I can buy more land. I know there's no money in it but I'm not doing it for the money. I've been reading about animal husbandry and pastoral farmingfarming. Its important to me to eat ethically raised meat so I thought maybe I could just raise my own and I'll know its been treated humanely. Maybe I can help to bring some of that to the community as well!
I like your thinking. Please keep us updated on how they are doing. I know this isn't the thread for it but I doubt anyone else would care.

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