Which colors do chickens like best?


8 Years
Dec 16, 2011
Tri-Cities Tennessee
I know some animals see colors different then we do, but I believe most birds can see colors quite well.
I may be over thinking this, but what color would be good to paint the coop in. I don't want to paint it and then my chickens hate their coop and not go inside anymore. They are already so disturbed when I just change the slightest thing about it and color is a big change, but I need to paint it so the wood won't rot. I guess I could just stain it, but I already have a variety of paint here to chose from, so I would rather use it then go out and buy something else.
Has anyone noticed that their chickens like a color better then another one?
Well I don't know about a specific color, but I know they peck at anything shinny!
Good morning to you too!
Hmm that would make sense, yellow is the color of corn, I would see why chickens would like that. As far as shiny goes, chrome paint would be so cool on the coop, but I'm afraid that it may start a fire, though I could inter gate a few rhine stones with some modeling clay I just need to be careful that they can't be picked off by curious beaks
To a certain extent I think you are overthinking it. This is probably another one of those things where the chickens don't care nearly as much as humans.

Some people like the coops to be bright inside. They use a lot of windows to let in as much light as they can. I prefer the coop to be darker, but that is just personal preference. People with bright coops do fine, my darker coop works really well. Instead of worrying so much about what the chickens want, what works best for you. Poop and stains won't show up as much on some colors, especially darker colors, as it does on others. Do you want a color that makes you want to scrub or clean or on where you can maybe be more relaxed about that? This is if you are talking about painting inside.

If you are talking about painting the outside, I think it matters even less and probably not at all to the chickens. Some of us use Barn Red or Forest Green so they blend in. Others use all kinds of bright colors and decorations so they look really pretty. All kinds of fancy gingerbread. Again, they all work fine. If you are talking about the outside definitely go with what you want and do not worry about the chickens preferences.
Funny to see old threads like this come up!

I am currently doing a science project on this and i am still gathering data, but so far they seem to prefer blue and green. Second is yellow, and last is red. Hope this helps!
There are several studies about chickens recognition of color out there.

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