When will they climb the ladder?

Hoss the Rooster

Jun 4, 2018
I have some 2.5 week old RIR chicks. It's 90f+ during the day so I let them run in their protected run. I am curious how long I will have to move them into the coop before they figure out how to climb the ladder? When I open it in the morning they figure out how to get outside but they don't try to go back in at night.

Just an update, i used your stick method to herd them up @chickens really.. It didn't work very well, i could herd them to the top of the stairs then they would fly down... I ended up putting them in the coop manually but good news!! I saw 4 of them sitting on roost bars you can only get to by flying so they can fly. Thanks for your input @BlackHackle and I agree they are too young, i just wonder when I can expect them to try to return to the coop
Depends on the ladder/ramp.
This year I had 2 week olds learn to use the ramp and go inside on their own the second day.

Just spread scratch grains on the ramp to get them navigating it.

This pic is from last years chicks were a bit older...they took a few days to go back in on their own, had to use a small light inside to lure them in

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