When Will My Chickens Start Laying?


Jul 11, 2017
Lafayette, California
Hello everybody, I have a question for you, when will my chickens start laying, My older part of the flock are 10 - 12 weeks old and my younger part is 6 - 7 weeks old, the younger section consists of 2 Cuckoo Marans, and 1 Ameraucana. The older section consists of 2 RIR and 1 Leghorn!
The reason I am asking this is because I've seen someone on YouTube say that they start laying when they are 10 - 12 months, and another source says 4 - 6 months! Please help!!​
Hello everybody, I have a question for you, when will my chickens start laying, My older part of the flock are 10 - 12 weeks old and my younger part is 6 - 7 weeks old, the younger section consists of 2 Cuckoo Marans, and 1 Ameraucana. The older section consists of 2 RIR and 1 Leghorn!
The reason I am asking this is because I've seen someone on YouTube say that they start laying when they are 10 - 12 months, and another source says 4 - 6 months! Please help!!​
The average is 6 months, but some breeds do start earlier and some later according to the breed.

The 1st group probably about 6 to 7 months, the older group----the RIR probably around 6 months, the white leghorn around 5 months.
I always have some that start at 20 weeks. Sex links started at 18 for me, as did one group of EEs one year. I usually have most laying by 22 weeks. Never had to wait 6-7 months. My current girls are 19 weeks, so let's see if they prove me wrong! YMMV
Haha thanks, when they start laying, post it hahaha!

The girls didn't let me down. 20 weeks today & I got my first light brown spotted egg! Not the perfect pullet egg exactly. The pointy end is rough & has a small hole in it. They keep moving the straw down to the wood in the one box. I love it anyway. I would guess it is from a Partridge Rock, but there are 2 Australorps that look ready too. I had a Rock lay a soft egg with only white yesterday. Here's hoping I'll soon be over run with eggs!
The girls didn't let me down. 20 weeks today & I got my first light brown spotted egg! Not the perfect pullet egg exactly. The pointy end is rough & has a small hole in it. They keep moving the straw down to the wood in the one box. I love it anyway. I would guess it is from a Partridge Rock, but there are 2 Australorps that look ready too. I had a Rock lay a soft egg with only white yesterday. Here's hoping I'll soon be over run with eggs!
fantastic! mine are approaching ten weeks, I got the birth date wrong the first time.

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