When will groups of ducklings merge?


5 Years
Apr 3, 2019
Central New Jersey
I’ve posted on here before about my two groups of ducklings. Each group has 4 and they’re 8 weeks old and 6 weeks old. They’ve lived side by side in their brooder since the younger ones were 1 week old. The older ones have been outside full time for a couple of weeks now and the younger ones stay out all day for the last couple of weeks as well. Nights are just too chilly still. So they always see each other.

There is no partition between them in their run but yet, they still hang out in their own groups, often side by side. The older ones do seem to eat the younger ones’ food and hog their smaller swimming pool. The younger ones sometimes peep because I think the older ones are keeping them away from the food. I have two food bowls and three waterers so nobody goes hungry or thirsty.

The younger ones will be moving outside permanently in a week but I’m wondering whether they’ll happily share the duck house. It’s plenty big for them but sometimes, the older ones still chase away the younger ones if they get too close. Is this normal behavior and should I be worried? Please advise!
They will happily share the duck house. The 2 week difference gradually disappears as the months pass! Let them integrate at their own pace, now. You are doing everything right to protect the interests of the younger calls
Thank you! I thought they’d be snuggling up to each other right now but yes, they need to go at their own pace and at least there’s no fighting!

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