When/What to vaccinate


Mar 31, 2024
Pittsburgh, PA
Hi everyone! So all of my 6 chicks who are 10 days old are not vaccinated for anything. My mom saw on a website that you shouldn’t pay the 25 cents to vaccinate chicks and didn’t question it despite my protesting to due more research on it. It would have been much easier but she didn’t think it was good. So what should I vaccinate for? Do I do it myself? Where do I get it? How do I do it? Should I even worry about it and just not vaccinate them at all?
Sorry for all the questions I am just worried about something happening to them due to them not being vaccinated.
One last question lol. Would it be better if I just gave them some medicated feed instead? I have been giving them un medicated food since I got them.
They're too old to vaccinate now.
Medicated feed only helps prevent coccidiosis, which is easy to treat.
Mareks vaccine only helps (with about 85% effectiveness) to prevent the mareks tumor from growing and causing issues. Mareks vaccinated birds can still catch and spread mareks without ever showing symptoms.
Ok. I have just been reading about them and they were (mostly mareks) being painted as very important and helpful to have. This is making me feel a bit better about it. Thanks
Hi in my opinion I would have had them vaccinated for Mareks. It's not a 100% protection but for me, it'd worth it. Mareks is pretty much everywhere. It's a heartbreaking disease that usually renders the bird paralyzed. Legs straight out unable to move. The Mareks causes internal tumors that grow (like cancer) the tumors grow to the point of pressing on the nerves where they become paralyzed. It's awful. So for me, it's worth the 10 cents or 25 cent cost. It should be done at hatch then they develop imunity after a week or so. Just for next time I'd get the Mareks vaccine. Just to help protect. But even with the protection of the vaccine they can still get it but the chance is a Lot smaller. It's a personal choice. I would not worry about it now but in the future you might consider it when you order again. Hope this helps. This is just my personal opinion. It's all a.matter of choice. No right or wrong. I am a big worry wart so I like the extra protection. Hope this helps.

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