When does the crest start to develop in Crested Cream Legbars


Apr 24, 2017
East Tennessee
I apologize if this has been answered in another thread. I searched and could not find any. This is my Cream Legbar. I was told she is 3 weeks old; I'm not sure how accurate that is because she is half the size of my other chicks (not CL) that are 2 weeks old. It may be that she is just a smaller breed than my others. Anyway, curious as to when I should be able to see the crest start to develop, or does it vary?
Welcome to BYC.
Where did you get this chick?

It may not be a CCL, it could be a non crested legbar.
From a breeder. I'm new with all of this. What are you seeing that makes you think it may not be? Are all Cream Legbars not crested? If not, then it would be my error, because she said she was a Cream Legbar. I thought they were all created. A newbie error. I'm a little embarrassed.
In my mutt flock I have the crested gene, similar to the CCL crest. Once I had a pullet whose crest was not obvious until she was a few months old and fully feathered. Your chick doesn't look to be 3 weeks old.

Of course she was not a pure bred chicken, and I think your chick's crest should be visible as she gets all her feathers in - specifically on her head. Please update!
From a breeder. I'm new with all of this. What are you seeing that makes you think it may not be? Are all Cream Legbars not crested? If not, then it would be my error, because she said she was a Cream Legbar. I thought they were all created. A newbie error. I'm a little embarrassed.
How long have you had this chick?
A breeder should know the exact date of hatch..imo.
I've had her a few days. She had several that were hatched on different weeks. This one was supposed to have been hatched on May3rd. All of my others were hatched on May 10th and they tower over her. I just wonder if she gave me a younger one by accident. She was very nice and I don't think she did anything maliciously, but the chick acts younger than my others too. I was looking at her a little closer today and it does look like a few of the feathers are getting a wee bit longer. Could be wishful thinking though. I will keep you posted.

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