When do you start giving a chick gravel/grit?

Chick starter has the amounts required for proper growth. It's when you start feeding stuff, like fortified grit, on a regular ongoing basis that contain additional calcium then things can start getting out of whack.
Chick starter has the amounts required for proper growth. It's when you start feeding stuff, like fortified grit, on a regular ongoing basis that contain additional calcium then things can start getting out of whack.
I'm hanging on to my parakeet grit until my girls are laying and I'll throw it in with the adult grit (b/c I'm super cheap and can't bare to throw it away lol)
Our local hatchery has decades of experience and they suggest feeding cracked corn with chick starter for the first week. It serves as grit to get their digestive track going. When adults, crushed oyster shell can serve as grit and give them extra calcium for strong egg shells. Hope this helps!


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