when do orpingtons reach full size


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 1, 2012
I have 5 approx. 5 month old buff orps. they are already decent size, but when are they fully grown?
I think they have pretty much reached average size at 5-6 months of age or may grow slightly more. Just like in the middle age years for people, once they start laying they will also fill out more and become rounder. They should also look different in feathering and color after about a year when they molt. Normally the breed should start laying soon if they haven't already.

Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Right around now
They reach pretty much their grown size around 8 months if they are hatchery birds but don't really reach full potential till around a year. The bigger the breed, the longer it takes till they're fully grown.
A breeder quality Orpington rooster will not reach full size until he's almost two years of age. Hatchery birds don't take that long because they rarely reach the size of the breeder birds.
Yes, that was my thought but I was trying not to actually say that. heh. The difference in hatchery stock and good breeder stock is why you'll get various answers sometimes to this question. I have both, and even the hatchery ones took more than the 6 months stated to reach full potential though.

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