When do Maran's typically lay?

Still nothing from my bantam marans, who's almost nine months now. But, my slightly-younger bantam frizzled cochin laid her first little egg today, after a week of squawking and squatting!

Next to a jumbo-sized red star egg.

Soooooooooooooo exciting!!!
That's awesome!!! I have one Wheaton, one splash, 4 BCMs and 2 cuckoos and Roos to match except a black copper roo. My splash covers them all at the mo ;)
That's awesome!!! I have one Wheaton, one splash, 4 BCMs and 2 cuckoos and Roos to match except a black copper roo. My splash covers them all at the mo
Oh lots of Marans, very fun. I have 2 BCMs and one Blue Copper covered by a BCM roo. Id like to add a few more Marans into the mix.
My Blue Marans is just over 20 weeks. From reading this thread, it sounds like we easily have another month or two to go before we can expect eggs from her. I can't wait!

My BCM is almost 8 months old, and no egg! She has had a lot of stress, we had predator problems and she is all that is left of the original flock I bought. I got her a "friend" until we can finish the new run and add more, a year and a half old Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, since she is sooo huge and I thought anything but a full grown one with her would not work. Of course the new one just went through a molt, so no eggs from either, SIGH! It's been a crappy chicken year since spring for me!!
My two cuckoo marans haven't laid anything yet. My buff orpington has laid 11 eggs in the last 12 days and our barred rock laid her first one today at 26 weeks old! One CM has a slightly larger comb and wattles are just showing and they're slightly darker pink then the other one, but not as large or dark as the ones that have begun laying. It seems like an eternity!

A funny thing is, the barred rock is BFF's with the orpington and was following her into the coop and even crawled into the one nest box with her once! LOL! Then she started going into the next nest box, sitting down a minute, then leaving a few days. Then today they went in the two nest boxs side by side and they each layed an egg! The two CMs are also BFFs. They were brought home together about two weeks later than the other two to replace the one that we lost, but they're supposed to be from the same hatching so the same age. They should also be 26 weeks old, but don't look near ready yet as far as combs and wattles go.
I wish they'd hurry up and get on the band wagon with the other two now!

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