When did your chickens begin laying eggs?

red sex link #1 24 weeks - started laying this week
red sex link #2 24 weeks - may have started laying this week
red sex link #3 24 weeks - no eggs
blue wyondotte 24 weeks - no eggs
barred rock 24 weeks - no eggs
I have 4 buffs and 5 bsl's. They are 20 weeks old today, and i atarted getting eggs a week ago. Not all are laying yet, but getting 4 eggs a day. My question is, how long before the eggs get bigger? They are amall which i understand because they are still young, but just curious.
If you are'nt using nesting boxes, where did they lay? Just asking, cause my first was in the floor of the chicken house, but the rest have been in the boxes.
@galean My Red sex-links started out small 1.5 oz 43 grams. Went to medium about a month later, with double yolk eggs scattered in there.
Around six months of laying they average extra large 2.25 oz 64 grams to jumbo 2.5 oz 71 grams and higher.
At 15 months old, they are mostly extra large and Jumbo.
But it depends on breed/type and how many treats you give them.
More treats, less eggs, smaller eggs, in my experience.
Mostly layers feed for my girls. GC
If you are'nt using nesting boxes, where did they lay? Just asking, cause my first was in the floor of the chicken house, but the rest have been in the boxes.
I have nesting boxes but the first two eggs were just on the floor of the coop. LOL, next to the nesting boxes. Beggers can't be choosers.
I got my first 2 eggs this morning. I have 7 Black Sex Links that are just shy of 5 months.


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My Speckled Sussex started laying the day they turned 19 weeks last week! In past years all of my Easter Eggers, Buff Orps, and banties started laying at 20 weeks. They used the nest boxes we just put in too lol.

I'll add that in the past my Barred Rocks and Silver Laced Wyandottes were terrible layers. Maybe 2 eggs a week if I was lucky. My Easter Eggers have always been my best layers.
I got my first egg when the hens were 19 weeks old. Could not tell which one was laying and they were tiny. In a few weeks I was getting 3-4 out of 14 hens. This was last year about September. They continued through winter gradually going up to 8-9 per day. I did lose 3 of them, so 8-9 per day out of 11 hens.
This week we got our first eggs.
They hatched the end of February.
Plymouth Rocks. So.... 20 weeks or so. One laid a shell less egg right in front of us. Awkward!

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