When can I switch from chick grit to large grit?


Jun 6, 2019
My ducklings are 6 weeks old. I just ran out of chick grit but I have regular grit. I'm wondering if they're too young for the big grit and should I buy another bag of chick grit (which I know will barely get used)? They've started going outside for about an hour or so each day depending on weather, and I see them eating a lot of grass and dirt, but I don't know if there's enough grit in the dirt they're eating? Thanks for any advice.
I am not sure when you switch to larger grit, but I have never given my ducks grit because they free range. They always get the rocks they need from the ground. They don't need a ton of grit either. If they are going outside during the day, I wouldn't worry. I have only given chick grit when I have ducklings that I can't let outside at all due to weather.

Someone else may know when they can switch to larger grit, and hopefully they will chime in. I would imagine 6 weeks is plenty old enough, since they are usually fully feathered by then and a good size. But I am not certain.

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