When can I let them out?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 31, 2013
Southeast oklahoma
I got 9 of these messy suckers and I'm ready to let them go to the pond. When will they be able to live there they are five weeks old right now.
I wouldn't let a duckling unsupervised without an adult duck or adult animal or adult human (thought goaded teen humans are ok, too) until they had their full feathers and could stay dry and warm on their own. My mallards were feathered around 8 or 10 weeks? Something like that, and were on their own then.

They hated the heat lamp as soon as they started getting feathers. But amateur as I am I'd never let ducks without feathers be out overnight.
I wouldn't let a duckling unsupervised without an adult duck or adult animal or adult human (thought goaded teen humans are ok, too) until they had their full feathers and could stay dry and warm on their own. My mallards were feathered around 8 or 10 weeks? Something like that, and were on their own then.

They hated the heat lamp as soon as they started getting feathers. But amateur as I am I'd never let ducks without feathers be out overnight.
I agree, they are just babies and would be gone in no time so please put up with messy a while longer to keep them safe.

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