
Mar 9, 2023
I have some Easter eggers turning 4 weeks old next week and brahmas turning 2 weeks old (I know the brahmas still need some time) and days here are getting into the mid 60s-70s, when can I start bringing my chicks outside to play/explore a bit (in a pinned area) is there a certain temp I should wait or age?
I would say the EE could go outside at 4 to 5 weeks for 10-15 minutes. As long as they are fully feathered they should be fine. The brahmas would need to wait. Make sure they are in a predator proof pen.
I have some Easter eggers turning 4 weeks old next week and brahmas turning 2 weeks old (I know the brahmas still need some time) and days here are getting into the mid 60s-70s, when can I start bringing my chicks outside to play/explore a bit (in a pinned area) is there a certain temp I should wait or age?
I let mine go outside when it's warm starting from around 2 weeks but I watch and play with them the whole time. :)
Take them out today as long as it is not raining and the wind isn't real strong. See for yourself when they get cold and bring them inside for heat when you need to. The four week olds probably won't get cold in those temperatures, the two week old probably will eventually but many people will be amazed at how long they can last.

Not all chicks are identical at the same age. Not all weather conditions are the same even in the same temperatures. A big part of this is convincing yourself that they are going to be OK. Try things and trust your judgment of what you see more than trusting a stranger over the internet like me.
My chicks that hatched 3/27 had feet on outside ground 36 hours after wasin the low 80s and they went out for 20 minutes..friday was warmer so we did a little all day with two heating pad caves set up..where they sat on, like a hen..or ran under as needed..only misadventure my guardian dog picked on up that hethought was injuries just scaredthe crap out ofus all..he literally had my entire6 day old ccl in hismouth tail wagging ran to me like i did good mom, which he was fine..but he will have to be watched with tinies ..he is fine and literally lets the 6 week old patridge cochin bantam chicks climb all over him..they live with flock now..they get themselves to one of many roost..or safe places at night although i do a head count before roosters put their girls up before sundown most days
My chicks that hatched 3/27 had feet on outside ground 36 hours after wasin the low 80s and they went out for 20 minutes..friday was warmer so we did a little all day with two heating pad caves set up..where they sat on, like a hen..or ran under as needed..only misadventure my guardian dog picked on up that hethought was injuries just scaredthe crap out ofus all..he literally had my entire6 day old ccl in hismouth tail wagging ran to me like i did good mom, which he was fine..but he will have to be watched with tinies ..he is fine and literally lets the 6 week old patridge cochin bantam chicks climb all over him..they live with flock now..they get themselves to one of many roost..or safe places at night although i do a head count before roosters put their girls up before sundown most days
The cochin bantams and where they put themselves to bed..what you cant see is 7 feet above them is my original flock..and 3 feet over is my 1/2 feral flock of sebright x d'uccle crosses with a sebright x easter egger cross


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I have a "new chicken owner" questiona. My chicks are 3.5 weeks old. Daytime temps are in the mid 90's so it warm enough for them to venture outside now. They have been in the coop from the brooder for 10 days. So my questions

1. Once I let them into the (covered, and fully fenced with 3/4 inch mesh wire) run, how do I get them back into the coop? When I put my hands into the coop to feed them, clean, etc, they come to me looking for food, and let me pet them, but the don't want to be picked up and will run when I try.

2. Do I need to stay out there with them?

3. How long should I let them outside into the run?

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