What's the temperature where you are???

IT RAINED!!!!! ......then it stopped :(

8FB307A6-21AC-4730-8D93-476632A2FD04.jpeg 61B619B5-0E42-4AEB-91E4-2DAF88544BD3.jpeg
Glad this day is over. This heatwave is over.

19c (66.2f) @ 9.30pm. The smoke has cleared a bit, our Air Quality levels, for my town, are the worst in the world right now, but they have come down from over 4400, so that is good.


We never got anymore rain :he There is falling outside, on the wind from the fires. Appalling this smoke will hang about for a few more days.
4:45am and 22°F here. Forecast is to be 50°F today.

Still have quite a bit of snow needing to melt off.

I am really sorry you have so much smoke there Oz chick.
A long slow soaking air washing rain would be pretty darn great for you. :fl
Thanks, a huge deluge across this state would be wonderful. It would put all these fires out and help the drought at the same time

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