What's the temperature where you are???

Yes we too are starting to warm up. Lol

-28 but feels like -38

But tomarrow is suppose to be warmer and Saturday just beautiful!
I really don't think we are going to hit the forecasted high if Minus 2* f

Humidity 64%
Wind Speed W 10 mph
Barometer 30.21 in (1030.5 mb)
Dewpoint -17°F (-27°C)
Visibility 10.00 mi
Wind Chill -26°F (-32°C)
Last update 12 Jan 12:56 pm MST
06:40AM Friday

Currently: 78F [25.5C] with a relative humidity of 90%

Predicted maximum: 93F [34C]
-31 feels like -43

Sigh but next week it should break and for us it will feel like summer if it jets into the low minus teens we will be taking jackets off. Lol
Like us.

Yes we too are starting to warm up. Lol

-28 but feels like -38

But tomarrow is suppose to be warmer and Saturday just beautiful!
Still like us...

I really don't think we are going to hit the forecasted high if Minus 2* f

Humidity 64%
Wind Speed W 10 mph
Barometer 30.21 in (1030.5 mb)
Dewpoint -17°F (-27°C)
Visibility 10.00 mi
Wind Chill -26°F (-32°C)
Last update 12 Jan 12:56 pm MST
Wind chill...

06:40AM Friday

Currently: 78F [25.5C] with a relative humidity of 90%

Predicted maximum: 93F [34C]
I'm pretty sure you don't want our awful stuff.
I started writing this morning, but I got majorly interrupted.

School was closed today. At least by 9am the wind is only 50 km instead of 90km.
It's supposed to keep getting colder today...but the wind lessens throughout the day. Less wind = better.

And the wind did go down today...hardly any wind tonight.
This was me this morning stuck in our yard...so I took pics of the blowing snow while I was waiting for hubby to clear the snow from behind the truck...

Temps in the coop this morning. (Bottom number)


-32C right now. But like moving coops mentioned, we start warming up tomorrow and it gets crazy warm.

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