Whatcha Making for Supper?

I finished off the Spanish Rice variation our way and sweet corn from last night. Fridge is now devoid of leftovers and we are getting ready to party a couple of days while #1 daughter is here. Looking like good grilling weather by tomorrow afternoon. If not we will make it good under the porch roof. We are going to party.
It's subject change due to possible stormy weather but we are planning on grilling some thick cut pork rib or possibly some baby back ribs. Going into town to find what is available today. If the wind howls blowing rain we may do center cut ham steaks in a skillet. I know Brussels sprouts and pickled beets are on the menu because that's what #1 daughter will want. When she was 4 when asked what she want to plant in the garden she screamed "Pickled Beets". :)

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