Whatcha Making for Supper?

tonight, I am having mom's family famous recipe of Apples and Onions. it consists of 3 apples, 3 large potatoes, 1 lb of sweet sausage, 1/2 tsp cinnamon (depending on how strong your sausage is) 1/2 tsp poultry seasoning, and 1 large onion. start on sautéing the sausage so that some of the grease has gotten out. add in your onions and let them cook for ten min. throw in your 1/4 in. sliced 'taters, let cook for 5-8 min. add the apples. let the apples cook, but not turn to applesauce. you may need to add in some water as you go so that it stays moist. let sit for 10 minutes. cook on med heat. stir it around a little so as to not let the potatoes stick to the pan. and there you go! you can enjoy our delicious family recipe and a meal that will make everyone come back for more!

This recipe sounds wonderful.

What happens with the cinnamon if sausage is strong?

When do you add the seasonings?

Is it okay to use Granny Smith apples?

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