Whatcha Making for Supper?

Nah I use tasso year round
I take as much of the tasso out after it's done since it's full of sausage. I put it all in a bowl and my wife eats it straight like that. She's from Kentucky and comes from a roast and potatoes and pulled pork family. It's neat how we both cook roast but so different. Hers is cooked with potatoes and carrots etc and is thinner than mine eaten in a bowl. Mine is alot thicker gravy. The meat goes on poboy (french) bread and the gravy over rice. I stuff my roast with garlic and hers is not. Two different worlds to keep folk fed off the same thing.

I'd like to give another thanks to the person who does the breakfast casserole thing. I learned it here and it's awesome er make it quite regularly
I don't drink either nor eat brats so I'm an odd Wisconsinite. Love cheese curds so I got something right. :)
Our cheese curds are refrigerated, so no squeaking when chewed. I only had real cheese curds one time, back in Oregon.
Our cheese curds are refrigerated, so no squeaking when chewed. I only had real cheese curds one time, back in Oregon.
We have the best cheese factory 5 miles from us. Warm and squeaky is the best way to enjoy cheese curds. Otherwise zapping them in the microwave and eating them with a fork is the second best way, especially if they have been refrigerated.
We have the best cheese factory 5 miles from us. Warm and squeaky is the best way to enjoy cheese curds. Otherwise zapping them in the microwave and eating them with a fork is the second best way, especially if they have been refrigerated.
I'll have to try them in the microwave next time. Thanks for the tip.

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