Whatcha Making for Supper?

Picked up a dozen boiled crabs

no not hurt---but pizzzzzed offf! a little stiff around left shoulder
No Doubt!
Glad you're OK...hopefully insurance covers vehicle replacement?

Cooked this morning, fish sticks and broc.
Supper was another cold plate, steak, hard boiled egg, and pasta salad.
Was supposed to cool down tomorrow, but no another scorcher...
...well I guess mid 80's is better than 90.
I like it. I have been eating fake meats for decades. Taste of these items can depend on what you like. I personally want stuff to vaguely resemble the original, but I don't want it to taste like meat too much. No nubs, or fake blood for me. :sick I hate Boca, and like Morning star, and there's another brand I like that I get at Wal-Mart, but I can't recall the name currently.
I like the Morning Star black bean patty for burgers

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