What would the best venture be?


May 8, 2016
Alberta, Canada
So, I currently have quail. But, they're attracting too many predators ( long story ) that my chickens/ducks never did. I also have chickens (a soon to be Wyandotte breeding project).
I plan on recycling an old coop and designing one like this (going to be 4x8 feet). Initially, it was meant for quail, but they've just been real bad luck for me.

I'm wondering... what would be a good venture for me? What kinds of poultry (chickens too) seem to be in high demand or interest? My plan is to sell and ship hatching eggs and day-old chicks.
that coop is screaming Seramas to me! You could fit quite a few Seramas in there, Although keeping Seramas might be a bit tricky when it comes to winter. You could always put a heat lamp in it during the winter or put heated roosts in the coop as well...
that coop is screaming Seramas to me! You could fit quite a few Seramas in there, Although keeping Seramas might be a bit tricky when it comes to winter. You could always put a heat lamp in it during the winter or put heated roosts in the coop as well...
Seramas are pretty, but their large combs would be a concern.
Seramas are pretty, but their large combs would be a concern.
My seramas do just fine out here, And it can get pretty cold were I live, We've have it go into the singles and negatives but so far my Seramas are doing great. This is one of my breeding cockerels, He's about 9 months old and is doing just fine, No frostbite on his comb or toes, I have 10 hens and 2 cocks and so far all are thriving. They share a coop with my bantam hens, Which is 16' x 8' and isn't heated.
My seramas do just fine out here, And it can get pretty cold were I live, We've have it go into the singles and negatives but so far my Seramas are doing great. This is one of my breeding cockerels, He's about 9 months old and is doing just fine, No frostbite on his comb or toes, I have 10 hens and 2 cocks and so far all are thriving. They share a coop with my bantam hens, Which is 16' x 8' and isn't heated.
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Interesting! It might be something to consider.We get down to -50F, although normally we average between -4 F (-20C) and -10C.
Interesting! It might be something to consider.We get down to -50F, although normally we average between -4 F (-20C) and -10C.
Again, I don't heat my coops, Just their water. So with a heated coop i'm sure that Seramas would do just as fine with some-what of a heat source..

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