What was your free mystery chick from Murray Mcmurray hatchery??

Hi, we haven't gotten our 16 chicks yet from McMurray. This next week. But how will we know which chicks are which breed?

How many breeds did you order? You can look up pictures of chicks from the breeds you get, or you can post pictures of your chicks here on BYC, in the What Breed or Gender is This thread.

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Well, we're getting 3 new Hampshire reds, so I guess they'll be red? And there should be three red that look alike. And 3 are Sp Sussex, so maybe they'll be speckled at birth. And Black Australops will be black, and so forth. we'll figure out what we can, and post pics of the rest.
Well, we're getting 3 new Hampshire reds, so I guess they'll be red? And there should be three red that look alike. And 3 are Sp Sussex, so maybe they'll be speckled at birth. And Black Australops will be black, and so forth. we'll figure out what we can, and post pics of the rest.

Figuring out is so much fun! I got so many of them wrong though, as not all chicks of the same breed are exactly the same at birth, particularly if the picture had a bright flash it can affect the color appearance on the internet.

My speckled sussex was actually not speckled until it was over 5 weeks old. My black giant (similar to a black australorp) was black and white for a long time. The Hampshire Reds are a creamy-orange instead of red. It is really confusing to try to match the baby color with the adult color. Our White Giant was actually blue!!

I can't wait to see some pictures of your babes. : )

Best of luck!

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