What to feed hens to get super orange yolks?


Mar 18, 2022
I have 3 hens that I let free roam around my backyard during the day. I feed them organic layer feed, along with supplemental oyster shell. I also have dried grubs that they love. What else should I be feeding to get those super orange yolks?

Has anyone tried the Happy Egg company? Their yolks are like crazy orange. What are the secrets??
They hardly eat their feed? Do they free range? What do they eat if not their feed?
Out of curiosity, not the promote the product. :p
They free range during the whole day and we lock them in the coop at night. I’m not sure what they eat outside but they always seem to be munching on grass, plants, and digging through the dirt. We have 2 gallon bucket of feed in their coop, which they also have daytime access to, and they go through it soooooo slowly. It takes months for the 3 chickens to go through it.
They free range during the whole day and we lock them in the coop at night. I’m not sure what they eat outside but they always seem to be munching on grass, plants, and digging through the dirt. We have 2 gallon bucket of feed in their coop, which they also have daytime access to, and they go through it soooooo slowly. It takes months for the 3 chickens to go through it.
Interesting, thats cool! I've heard of a 100% forage diet before and have been really interested in it myself. Read about it in a thread were someone had great success. How neat!
If its only 3 chickens and they have access to free range, I'd imagine they don't eat that much.
You could always try the Egg Enhancer if you wanted, just sprinkle it on top of their feed. If you don't thats fine too, theres other ways to color the eggs. I really just want someone to try it so I can get some feedback. :p
I have 3 hens that I let free roam around my backyard during the day. I feed them organic layer feed, along with supplemental oyster shell. I also have dried grubs that they love. What else should I be feeding to get those super orange yolks?

Has anyone tried the Happy Egg company? Their yolks are like crazy orange. What are the secrets??
I have heard of marigold extract being used but nothing I have ever tried myself
I used to 100% free range. Only food I fed was scratch so they would come running to me and that was occasional. I thought their yolks were awesome though. That was in Ohio where there are tons of bugs/worms/grass/horse poop to dig through.

This current flick I will have to feed. It will be a new experience for me for sure.

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