What to do...


9 Years
Nov 25, 2010
I currently have a Turkey hen sitting on about a dozen eggs. We're about 24 days in. This would be her first hatch and the (covered) nest is outdoors in a large pen that is surrounded by electric poultry net fencing. The pen is occupied by both chickens and turkeys. Should I be thinking about separating her and the poults (once hatched) in a separate area? Or, shall I do a wait-see on how she is as a mother? I can pen off the nest if need be. Are turkeys difficult to re-introduce if I do end up moving her and the poults to a completely separate area.

I would move her, or build a temporary make shift pen around her. She will be able to protect her babies, but when they are very young or in the hatching process they are definitely at risk from the other birds in the flock.

Should not be hard to reintroduce. Ideally the other birds should be able to see her and the poults through whatever barrier you have between them, so that they can be "introduced" without actually having physical contact. Very similar to introducing young or new birds into an existing flock.

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